Jeams H. Andar

The nearest district hospital from Rupen village is close to 105 km. The nearest maternal health clinic is approximately 32 km. The town has poor roads and no mobile network connectivity. The nearest district hospital from Rupen village.

Kirani K. Kados

The nearest district hospital from Rupen village is close to 105 km. The nearest maternal health clinic is approximately 32 km. The town has poor roads and no mobile network connectivity. The nearest district hospital from Rupen village.

Irairani I. Lados

The nearest district hospital from Rupen village is close to 105 km. The nearest maternal health clinic is approximately 32 km. The town has poor roads and no mobile network connectivity. The nearest district hospital from Rupen village.

Hirani M. Dados

The nearest district hospital from Rupen village is close to 105 km. The nearest maternal health clinic is approximately 32 km. The town has poor roads and no mobile network connectivity. The nearest district hospital from Rupen village.

Mirani H. Bados

The nearest district hospital from Rupen village is close to 105 km. The nearest maternal health clinic is approximately 32 km. The town has poor roads and no mobile network connectivity. The nearest district hospital from Rupen village.
